Update on Ashley

This is Ashley. I have been doing her physical therapy for over a year and half now here in Haiti. She is six years old and has cerebral palsy. She is such a joy. Those things she has on her head, are actually for her hands. There was a wonderful OT here in Haiti visiting and she helped me make some splints for Ashley's hands. Ashley has alot of tone in her hands and has a hard time using them for anything functional. My hope and prayer is that these splints will help decrease the tone and through the use of the splints and exercises, we will be able to teach Ashley how to use her hands more funciontally in her daily life. I am lucky to be the therapist working with Ashley. She and her family are wonderful and I love the time I spend with her.

Here is Ashley with her splints on her hands and a big huge smile on her face. See, therapy doesn't have to be torture. LOL
luvs and hugs from Haiti


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