We are home.

Wow!!!!! What a day!!!!! We (and I mean all three of us!!!! Wow, my kids are in the states!!!! What an amazing thing!) have arrived in MI and made it safely to my dad's house. It was a long day, but the kids did really well. They loved the airplane and Jaryse loved looking at "the city" as we flew over Miami last night. I held it all together until we landed in Miami and I heard the pilot or whoever say "welcome to Miami" at that point I cried. I couldn't believe I had actually made it to the USA with my two little munchkins. I had a smooth time through immigration both in Port au Prince and in Miami, and both flights went smoothly.

I am so thankful to the Lord for protecting us through this whole ordeal and making these last few steps easier than the first few! I am still in a bit of shock, although, it might just be that I am FREEEEEEEEEZZZZZZZING. Maybe after I get used to the cold my brain and body will work a little more efficiently!

I am so thankful for all of the well wishes from everyone and so thankful to all who have helped us through this whole ordeal! I will post some pics of the homecoming after I get a bit more organized and my fingers unthaw!!! LOL

I will be keeping this blog going, as not only are there so many people who are still so supportive, but also half my heart was left in Haiti. I love Haiti (on most days anyway! lol). I will also continue to do work through Ancheri Care and help as many Haitian children as possible. I will be keeping in touch with the children that I work with in Haiti, explaining exercises over the phone, encouraging the families to keep up with their exercises, answer questions that the families might have, etc.

Thanks for you love in support
Love, the half frozen Sessions crew!!! :)


Anonymous said…
It is so awesome that you're home!! Enjoy the time with your family and your AMERICAN kids!! :)
Anonymous said…
Pye's In Haiti said…
Praise God! I was hoping you'd have an uneventful trip. Glad to hear you'll be keeping your other 'family' up to date now.
Praying for you and yours!
Anonymous said…
Praise God you made it safely. To tell you the truth, I didnt know how you hanled that pressure over there. I m from Haiti and Port-au-Prince is NOT my kind of city. I was scared to death being there for 3 days. Too many people! And you managed to stay in Marianie for 3 years? The only white girl in a 5 miles radius, that takes some courage! Trust me! The reward for what you have done and how much you have blessed the locals is yet to come, trust in God.
On behalf of my dear Haiti and the people, I say: "Welcome back to your HOME." What an experience? huh?
God bless you Kay, you have been in my prayers.
Al Haiti in Calif.
Anonymous said…
WHOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to see you guys :)
Chelsey said…
I can't believe it either!!!! I've been praying and am so excited to hear that you guys are HOME! Praise the Lord! I'll continue to pray for you guys and for your guys' (re)adjustment to the States!
Anonymous said…
Wow Cheri Kay! You really are there with your kids!! Praise God! We are so happy for you all. We in Haiti miss you already but could not be happier for you guys :)

Hugs to you guys from all of us who love you in Haiti~

Denise & family
Anonymous said…
Cheri Kay, thank you for the update. I have been thinking about you all day yesterday and in my mind I was traveling with you. So happy that traveling went so well. Much is ahead of you, I'll continue to pray!!! Keep trusting God!! hugs for Ecrissa and Jaryce!! We miss them
Randy & Karen said…
Hey Guys,
So excited that you made it home safe and sound. God is good! I know what you mean about freezing! Love you guys!
r&k <><
Big Al, the gal said…
Congratulations! And welcome home!!

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