Four more days..........

It seems so weird. We actually got the visa's on Friday. I have been really sick and the kids have not been feeling well either. But, we are holding on to the wonderful new promises of traveling together as a family for the first time. After four and a half years of this trial, we are finally going to be able to leave the country of Haiti and enter the US as a family. Wow, I am a bit astonished still. I am not sure when it will ever really sink in. The next few days are very full here in Haiti. We have two going away parties (which I am so amazed about) and we have work and school to wrap up and packing and giving things away, and selling things and tying up all the loose ends and I don't know, maybe I am making up things because my brain can't think straight. I would like to blame it on Haiti, but this time, it's the cold and the shock of this process finally being done. WOW.

Stay tuned for some last minute Haiti fun and going home pictures of us. Luvs and hugs


Luis Portugal said…
It has a nice blog.
Sorry not write more, but my English is bad writing.
A hug from my country, Portugal
Anonymous said…
Oh CK, I am so happy for you!!! Hope you feel better REALLY soon!!!! Good luck with the travelling!!

Tanjungbungah said…
Cheri Kay, I am SO thrilled for you. I can't believe you are only two days away from FINALLY taking your kids home with you!! Woohoo! Words cannot express my excitement for you all! I hope you will update your blog from time to time even when you are in the US. I would love to keep up with things even then.


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