
.......we were at the Embassy at 7am. We were all looking quite nice (if I do say so myself and I was amazed I got us all out of the house looking nice!!) I didn't eat breakfast, my stomach was in knots. I was jittery and excited and nervous, and amazed that this day has actually arrived, and well, I am not sure what else I was feeling.

We got there, spoke with one person and she gave us our paper to take to the cashier to pay for the visa's. Yes, you have to pay the US government for the visa's that you are applying for BEFORE you know if they will be issued or not! Anyway, so we went to the cashier and she was very sweet. She asked Jaryse how he was doing and he said "I'm good, but, a bit of a disaster!!!!" I almost died laughing!!!! I don't remember saying that this morning, but maybe I did. OR, maybe he just looked at me this morning and decided that I was just a "bit of a disaster!" At any rate, it was cute! LOL!

So, after paying for the visa's we waited and spoke with that same person again, and then a second person. They were both very very nice to me. Then, all of a sudden, that second person handed me two little tickets and told me that I could pick up the visa's tomorrow. WHAT????? OK OK OK!!!!!!! I didn't know what to say, but OK and THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! So, that's what I said. As we walked away with these two small tickets, that are worth the world to me right now, I kept thinking "is there another document needed???" , "isn't there something else they need?", "can this really be the end?" , "Did they really approve this????". I was in a bit of a trance and I am actually amazed that I made it back to the car WITH both of my kids!!!! LOL, just kidding, I just was in such shock!!! By the time we made it to the car I had tears running down my face. I am so relieved, excited, thrilled, happy, amazed, grateful, rejoiceful, and any other positive emotion you can think of!!!!

But.........I have to admit. I'm still nervous! I do not actually have the visa's in my hand. I hate to feel gun shy, but things have been so hard for us in this whole process. I am a bit nervous that something will go wrong! What can go wrong? I DON'T KNOW, but it's Haiti, something ALWAYS happens! But, along with that, I have been feeling God so close to me and so favorful right now, that I do believe tomorrow afternoon I will have 2 of the most amazing visa's in my little hands!!!!!! PRAISE the LORD for HE is GOOD!!!! He is faithful all the time.

Thanks so much to all of you for your prayers, love and support! Stay tuned for homecoming plans and homecoming pics and I'll try not to be "a bit of a disaster!" :)


Jessica said…
I had goosebumps the whole time I read this! SO SO happy for you! I can't wait til you have those visas in hand tomorrow. And you better let me know your flight info so I can photograph this exciting homecoming!!! :)
Love you all!
Chelsey said…
WHOOOHOOOO!!!!! Praise the Lord!!! I'm SO EXCITED for you guys! It's so crazy that you're finally to this point - but wonderful!
Dana Michelle said…
Oh my goodness could it finally actually be happening?!!! I'll pray that you can finally take your kids home!!!
Beth said…
Cheri Kay, I am SO HAPPY for you three! I'll keep praying for you today, as you go to pick up those visas!!!!!!!!
Jaime said…
I've been following your blog for a few months now and I'm so encouraged by your story. You have been so faithful to Him and honest through your blog about your emotions, struggles, & victories! It is so exciting to read about this victory! Things are slow in Haiti, but they do happen. God is faithful, and may He be glorified! I can't wait to see your visas!
Pye's In Haiti said…
Mesi Jezi! I am so happy for you! Glad you were able to come again to Jacmel before you head out. Remember us while you're in the States watching your kids play on a McDonald's playground while you eat an ice cream sundae in AC. LoL!
You will be missed!

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