It's a rare Thursday.....
When I have the energy to blog. There is something about Thursdays that are hard for me. Nothing to do with what is scheduled for the day, it's just the day! I think that it's not quite Friday (so I don't have that pre-weekend adrenaline--mainly my weekly goal of PJ Saturdays!) and I'm already exhausted from all that is shoved into Sunday - Wednesday. I've always had a hard time with Thursdays, as far back as I remember, through high school, college, grad school, doctoral program, Haiti years, and even now that I'm back in the States. Thursdays should be banned! However, God strengthened me today! I don't know why, but today was a great day, I had tons of energy, the kids were great, I got a ton done and now I even have the energy to blog! Hopefully I don't crash tomorrow!!!
Anyway, this has been a great week for us. Monday and Tuesday were my later nights working and the kids stay with babysitters. They had a blast with both of my friends that they stayed with for the couple of hours after school until I got home. As a mommy, it's so reassuring to come home to 2 happy kids. I already beat myself up for leaving them with a babysitter (all of 5-6 hours a week). I have this image that I am supposed to do EVERYTHING and be their EVERYTHING. But, I can tell you, that I feel so relieved when I come home and they are happy and I can tell that those couple of hours were good for them! That is good for me!
Earlier this week, our caterpillar turned cocoon hatched! The kids were very excited to let the butterfly go. I'm not 100% sure what happened (as I am not a caterpillar/butterfly expert) but the poor thing never flew away. It moved, but didn't fly. Hmmmm...... guess we didn't do so good! Oh well, the kids had fun and they learned alot!
Tonight, Jaryse lost his first tooth and Ecrissa was my fairy running around the house all evening in her dress up clothes! What a great life God has blessed me with. I struggle weekly to have enough money to pay for the things we need, but God provides. What we lack in funds is more than compensated in the love and joy that we have in this house. I wouldn't change a thing!