Mission Accomplished!!! ;)

My goal today was to remain in my PJ's all day....I did it!  I was very productive around the house, but I was also a bit lazy at the same time!  The kids and I had a nice day hanging out, playing, doing laundry, watching movies, re-orgainizing a few things and just hanging out.  I am happy with this day!  What an amazing blessing to get to just hang out with my 2 little munchkins with no pressure to do anything specific.

Ecrissa is doing well.  She is hearing lots of things and responding to them sometimes.  This is what we hope for.  We hope that she will begin to learn that sound is around her all the time and that it is something to pay attention to.  She doesn't respond to everything, but it's not expected that she would.  There is a change in her that I began noticing right away.  I noticed that her anxiety level has decreased.  Ecrissa has always had some issues with anxiety.  Many of her behavior issues stem from this fear of the unknown, fear of what's going on around her that she doesn't understand and can't access.  Imagine, for instance, being in a room and everyone turns at the same time to look towards the door and all of a sudden the door opens and someone walks in. We all heard the knock on the door, the owner of the home say "come in", the door handle turn, the door open and the person say "hello".   Ecrissa misses all of that.  Her eyes dart around to keep an eye on her entire environment so that she is not surprised by an event occuring without warning.  I noticed right away that her anxiety levels have decreased.  I see this through decreased head turning, decreased eye darting, decreased body movements and just a bit less restlessness.  Now, she's not perfect of course, but I noticed this right away.  The speech therapist at her school was also noticing that Ecrissa seemed "calmer" and her face lit up when I said that I had also noticed that she seemed less anxious, "YES" she said, "she is less anxious, that's what it is"  I'm hopeful that this is allowing Ecrissa to understand the world around her and that she will begin to feel safe within her world, her surroundings and her new abilities to recieve sound.

Jaryse is awesome!  He's such a patient little guy.  He deals with his sister's deafness, new hearing ability, and behaviors so well.  He is such a helper to me and is often giving me kisses and telling me that he loves me at random moments.  Those little random moments are so special to me!

We took the time this morning to watch some of the videos that we've taken over the years.  It's amazing to see how much they've grown, to hear their little giggles and Jaryse's early words! I'm so grateful for these video's.  I'm glad I could take them and now share them with Jaryse and Ecrissa!

I'm feeling more rejuvenated after a "stress free" day!  I'm a lucky momma and so grateful for all that I have.


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