My little girl got her ears pierced!!!

Little Miss Ecrissa is always wanting me to put jewelry on her when I put mine on. Rings, necklaces, watches, bracelets, and even earrings! She also wants me to put my make-up on her too! She is a typical little girl that loves to get dolled up and look at herself in the mirror and then tell mommy how beautiful that little girl is! Of course, I always agree!!!!!!

So, today I took my little girl into the pediatricians office in Petion-ville and got her ears pierced. I felt really bad because I had no idea how to warn my baby that this was going to hurt. I do not have the signs for those words yet, and she doesn't know those signs either. So, the first one was pretty easy to set up for and do, cause she wasn't expecting pain at all! You should have seen the look of horror on her face when she felt that horrible pain though! Tears immediately began streaming down her face and she was so angry with me!!! I had to give a little giggle and hug her, then show her the beautiful earring in the mirror! She was quite pleased, but not so interested in the second one!!!!! We did get through it and she was happy with the earrings, but quite disgusted in her mother!!!!!! I love doing these fun Mommy/Daughter things with Ecrissa. I am blessed to be her mommy!!!!


lori shepler - said…
how beautiful!!! - FYI, my daughter's deaf & the sign for 'hurt' is: the two index fingers move to & from each other to represent the throbbing sensation associated with pain. - as they're touching, you place them on your body where it hurts or will hurt (both fingers touching together placed at the ear means the ear hurts or will hurt, etc.) - here's a good site to use in the future - HTH!


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