They are getting so big!!!!!!
Our weeks have been pretty busy! Getting ready for school, trying to get ourselves on a night time schedule so that when school starts it won't be such a shock. We've also been trying to finish up as many doctors appointments and such as possible. 2 weeks ago, we had 7 doctors appointments between the three of us in 4 days. I was exhausted and they were DONE with doctors!!!! LOL!!!! They are handling all of the craziness well. I am looking forward to school starting because I think it will provide just a bit more structure for them and I think that they are ready for that. We had a schedule in Haiti and they were used to it and did well, but over the past few months as we've tried to settle in, our schedule somehow was lost! I hope we find it with school! They start school on Sept. 9th and they are both very excited. I am excited too!
I realized today that, since I started going to Haiti almost 5 years ago, this is the longest that I have been away. I have been missing Haiti so much. I did get to talk to some friends that live in Haiti over the past couple of weeks and I got to talk to 2 of the families that I did therapy for while there. I am not sure if it made me miss Haiti more or if it filled a bit of the void. Either way, I am glad that I have those relationships and I am looking forward to a time that I can go back to the country that my beautiful babies are from and where much of my heart continues to reside!