And so begins birthday week!
Yesterday, I wanted my baby back. As I watched her play, I really longed for that baby. My almost 3 year old that began living with me. The tiny, fragile, 18 pound baby (I know, 3 years old isn't a baby, but she looked like a baby wearing 9-12 month old clothes) that I carried with ease. The little tiny thing that needed a bottle, that was in diapers and depended on me for everything. But then, I remembered. I remembered the tantrums, her fear, her anxieties, her screaming all day, her no sleeping screaming nights, her skinny and malnourished body, and her pale infected skin and reddish thin and fragile hair and I decided that I am so thrilled that I don't! She is now healthy, 50th percentile for height and weight. Her hair and skin glow and are beautiful beyond words. She walks, runs, jumps, and hoola hoops with the best of them!!! She enjoys playing happily during the day and her nights are spent sleeping peacefully. She has a cochlear implant, hears the world around her and is beginning to understand spoken language and is making noises and sounds that are meaningful. She uses sign language well and is able to communicate with her peers. I can have a conversation with her. She is academically advancing and is becoming independent in many daily activities. She laughs, she tells jokes and she is so very creative.
My momma heart will always want to hold that baby.....but even more my momma heart bursts with joy watching this amazing little girl grow up! How blessed I am to have been chosen to be a part of it!
More on Ecrissa this week as we lead up to the 3 day birthday celebrations!!!!!!