Loving others

This week, the kids and I went through their toys and books and picked out the ones that they no longer play with or want. I asked them if they'd like to give them to the hospital Child Life Center. This way, the kids in the hospital have toys to play with and books to read. They agreed. I almost put them in my car on the day that I worked at the hospital to take them to my co-worker, and then I realized that this would be a good experience for the kids.
So, on Friday after we finished school and work, we went up to the hospital and gave our toys to the Child Life Center. I was all excited to have the kids participate in this and have them really understand what they were doing and get that wonderful feeling that you get when you help others. Am I crazy??? We walked in and they were immediately interested in all the other toys...you know...the ones that they don't have and all the people that they had never met before. They forgot why they were there and played with the other toys in the room and talked to everyone else about everything EXCEPT why we were there!
I left feeling a bit deflated that they didn't experience what I had hoped they would and then I realized that this has to be a lifestyle, not just one day. I thought back on whether or not I've modeled this for them and I think that in some small ways I have, through taking them with me to orphanages and therapy sessions in Haiti, having them help me distribute toys, food and vitamins and such to others in Haiti, but I realized that I haven't done so much of that since being back in the States.
I know that this is one step in the direction of a lifetime of teaching them and giving them opportunities to serve others is how they will learn how AWESOME it is to help others. I am going to make more priority of seeking ways to love and serve others WITH my children! Don't get me wrong, I'm not down on myself or betaing myself up, I just realize that God gently reminded me to remember that He wants me to be a servant, even (and maybe even especially) here in the States.
Maybe this made more of an impact than I realize that it did on them, but I know it made an impact on me and reminded me that loving and serving others needs to be a consistent priority in our lives. I'm thankful for that reminder of how I've been so focused on our lives that I've forgot about us INTENTIONALLY serving others daily.


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