Our Family

This picture was taken on July 4th. I am very excited for the day that I can say that this whole ordeal is over. Today is not the day. Tomorrow will not be either. But, I am clinging to God's promises. I know that I am in His will, I know that He will not forsake us, I know He'll continue to provide and I know that He'll use our lives for the betterment of His kingdom. I also know that he hears my prayers and that prayer works.

I just want to share a little story. Last week, I was so frustrated, I was crying and when someone said to me "I'll pray for you", my first reaction was, "Why, it doesn't work anyway, not when it comes to my adoption!" But, before I even finished that thought, I was checked. Checked by the Holy Spirit. I know prayer works. I see it everyday in my life. I see the protection that He's provided to me and my children, I see all of the provisions that I am so blessed with, and I know that He hears the prayers about my adoption too. I then thought of my answers to my kids and some of their requests. When Jaryse asks for cookies for breakfast, I have to tell him, wait, until after you eat your oatmeal. When Ecrissa asks for a drink while I am driving down the road, I have to tell her to wait, until I can safely hand her a drink. As a parent, I have to give these answers to my children for their health and protection. I am resting in God's promise that He has good things planned for me and my children and the best thing for us in regards to my request to have it done and over with right now is to WAIT.

I am going to keep praying for this to happen soon and I ask that you continue to keep my children and I in your prayers. I know that the Lord hears them, even when he answers~Wait.


Anonymous said…
My friend,

You are amazing, you are loved. When you hurt and cry, I do the same. Wish I was there to hug you and pray with you.
Rose Anne said…
Cheri Kay,
I don't know what I would have done if I was in your situation!
I can't even imagine. Just know that you and your little ones are in my prayers!!!
God Bless,
Rose Anne

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