Entertainment in Haiti!

I was laughing the other day, because we all sat around the dinner table for about 45 minutes AFTER we had all finished eating watching the 2 geckos that you see above. They chased each other and the big one actually bit the little one's bottom! I guess this is what I have now found to be interesting night time entertainment! We have a television, but no cable so all we can do is watch movies--no sitcoms, no drama's and worst of all for me is no ESPN!!!! I have to settle with watching the gamecast online!!!!!! The radio is in either Kreyol or Frech (which I have a minimal understanding of) and they talk throughout the music so that people can't sell it illiegally. It is a really difficult thing to listen too! Even worse than American radio!!!! It's such a different life here, and it makes me laugh how well we have all adjusted and made the craziness of Haiti normal for us and that our night time entertainment now revolves around the critters of Haiti and not the technology of the United States!


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