Oh my goodness!
So much has happened, I haven't even had time to update my blog!!!!! Ok, so I have missed so much, I don't even know if i can update it all! I had a wonderful birthday and I am so thankful for all the birthday wishes and the donations to charity for my birthday! (If you didn't see it, check it out on my facebook, causes Ancheri Care, birthday wish). I am thrilled at the generosity and kindness of all who gave to Ancheri Care in the name of my birthday! I don't know, probably by now everyone knows, but last Thurs, we got the signature from MOI for our adoption! WHOOOO HOOOO!!! We have been waiting for that particular signature for 20 months! Yes, that is not a typo, TWENTY! I am so thrilled I can hardly stand it! i went into the Embassy for the initial I-600 meeting today, and so far everything is in order and when we get our passports in our hands we can move onto the next step! Very exciting! I did spend 5 days in LA with some wonderful friends, Reed and Alli...